The wire will be used for the antenna elements and the cardboard tube will be used as the base on which to mount the elements.

(or be prepared to rig something together) You'll need the following tools: A cutting tool for cutting the hanger wire A drill or awl for the cardboard portion of the hangar A ruler with 1/16" increments A soldering iron and solder A pen / pencil A sharp knife (or coax cable stripper) Construction - Disassemble the hangar. Getting Started You'll need the following materials: A wire pants hanger A length of coax cable (2' should do) A plug that fits into your phone's external antenna jack on your phone. It provided information to help me come up with an ultra-cheap design of my own that performs acceptably well. I read some books from the library, downloaded a few programs and most importantly, ran across this article (I should appologize at this point to the author, Kent Britain, if I misrepresent his article in any way). I thought that I was getting a bad phone signal when I moved to a new house recently, so I tried to see if there were any plans to make an external cell phone antenna so I wouldn't have to shell out the $70 my Dad did.

The alarms for weekly meetings still go off, but the screen is all white and I can't make or take calls. This, combined with a bluetooth headset, roughly gave him the same functionality as a cordless phone. He bought a trucker cell phone booster online, installed it on the roof of the house and attached it to the phone and went from 0-1 bars to 5 bars. He made a decision last year to get rid of the land line and only use the cell phones for him and mom. My dad lives in a rural part of Oklahoma where the cell signal in the house is bad. Can You Hear Me Now?Background It all started with my Nokia Communicator and my dad.